Saturday, January 31, 2009

Picnic @ Chepor, Perak

At 1st our plan was to stay in KD saja during CNY holiday. But memandang the week before Fawwaz was suspected having HFM, so, we didn't go back to Ipoh utk jenguk my MIL. Jadinya, CNY tu kenala balik menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai seorg anak..hihihi..

We went back on Sunday-Tuesday. Sunday ptg Uj received a call from his cousin inviting us to join them for a picnic at Chepor. I was like...YIPPEEEE!!! dah lama sangat tak mandi sungai..and some more, we never brought Fawwaz for a picnic before. I was kinda excited jugaklaa (mcm budak2 kan..hehehe).

So, the next day morning, i woke up quite early..semangat nakpi picnic punya pasal. But bangun awal pun still we need to wait for the cousins, aunties,, we reached Chepor i think around 9am...luckily org tak ramai lagi so we were the only family in that area (masa tu je la..after 10am mmg dah start ramai sgt org..). Tapi we didn't stay lama sgt, around 1pm, we start to make a move back home (diorang yg lain stay lagi nak berendam dlm air yg tersgtla sejuk tu)..kami balik awal to spend time with my MIL pulak coz Mak uj is still in edah, so she can't join the picnic.

Fawwaz had such a great time. Walopun mula2 tuh he was kinda ala2 cultural shock gitu bila nampak air sungai and the sound of air terjun tu...i think the sound of air terjun to scare him a bit. And some more the water was so cold. But after dia dah start berendam, susah pulak nak ajak keluar. hehehehe...

And now my next mission is to pujuk uj to bring us to Sunway Lagoon water park plak..heheheh...Fawwaz will definitely love it.

Masa baru sampai..belum warming up lagi..

Still in warming up process...if you notice fawwaz agak bergaya utk mandi di sungai. The thing is i didn't bring back any pakaian lusuh for him. Tak sangka plak nakpi picnic..

Photo not so good coz di ambil from long distance...time2 mcm ni laa mmg mengharap ada kamera yg lebih canggih... :)

Making a sand castle...

After sudah mandi...dah clean up...poyo pulak si kecik ni...(padahal masa mula2 dtg punya laa takut)...heehhehe..

Friday, January 30, 2009

We love you, mom!

My mom has turn 62 on 21 Jan 09. Happy Birthday, ma!! We pray that you are bless with great health, rezeki yang murah & happiness. So sorry that we still didn't get you anything for your birthday. The truth is we did place an order for flower delivery on mama's birthday. But that *tooott* florist was so "efficient" that they overlook our order (i was the one who made the order--online). So, since the staff did apologize dgn "sincere"nya, i was thinking, tak apalaa, just give them another chance to make the delivery on the following day @ 22 Jan 09. Unfortunately, no delivery, no flower, no van or what not yang dtg to mama's house on that day as well. Knowing me who is working in a bank and sangat menitik beratkan janji & punctuality, i again called the florist and make a complaint..(more like screaming & scaring them laa lebih kurang..hahaha)...followed by an email threatening them that i will write a complaint letter to Tribunal Pengguna if they do not refund back my payment. did work laaa, after all the kemarahan & also kesabaran, alhamdulillah, they finally refund it back to my account. And i will never ever ever ever again goint to place any order from this florist...NEVERR!!

Okay, back to the birthday..since this is the 1st year mama is celebrating her birthday without abah..(isk..isk..sedih sebenarnya) & Nani (my sister) decided to bring mama for a hi-tea. So, we invitela our brothers to tag along (but abg sal -2nd brother-cannot make it coz he has to go back to Tganu for urusan jual beli kain batiknya---my brother is selling batik sutera t'ganu.)

This time, instead of going to our tempat biasa (Hilton PJ), kitorg decide to ubah angin a bit. So, we brought mama for hi-tea @ One World Hotel (for those who do not know- this hotel is located next to One Utama). The food was so-so laa...banyak choice but the taste is not as good as the food presentation. But we still had a great time. And Fawwaz pun sempat lagi "melabur"..i have to run to the toilet and cuci him 1st..dengan bauan hasil "melabur" dia tuh yg sangatlaa semerbak. Luckily tak ada orang in the toilet while i clean him, takla malu sangat dgn bauan yang agak menusuk lubang hidung tu. hihihi...sorry ya Fawwaz, mama mengumpat Fawwaz sikit ni.

My beloved Mama..

Hakeem (yang rambut cacak tu), Safiyya & Fawwaz..

Opsss...pasangan kekasih kah ini?? hehehhee....

Hahhh!! Buat apa tu????

My Hubby, uj & Mama...

p/s: Photo lain agak kurang clear..dunno what happen to the camera...erghh..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jealous kah dia??!

For 2 years, tanpa sebarang saingan, Fawwaz is fully pampered by wan dia a.k.a bonda kesayangan ku memandangkan hari2 akanku hantar Fawwaz ke sana time kerja. So, for those who didn't know yet, my sister is now 8 months pregnant. And she happen to be staying with my mom. So, si Fawwaz yg ala2 manja mengada dgn Wan dia ni haruslah di prepare kan mentally supaya dia tak terkena kejutan budaya bila suddenly ada new baby in the house. Therefore, tiap2 hari Su Nani & Wan dia akan brainwash dia laa bgtau he's going to Abang soon..needs to take care of baby, must sayang baby...bla..bla..bla..

But my cheeky little boy ni..mungkin ada laa jugak trase tergugat and a bit worried laa kot..coz everytime kita ckp about baby, he will like turn his back on us and buat2 tak dengar whatever yg kita tanya or ckp dgn dia..pastu wat muka mcm innocent satu macam...adakah itu cemburu namanya??? hehehe..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another party for Fawwaz..

We held another birthday party for Fawwaz at our house in Kota Damansara. Jemputan kali ni adalah my adik-beradik, my bestfriend cum cousin, and 1 of my auntie yang kebetulan ada call my mom pagi tu, so my mom pun invite laa dia dtg skali.

This time punya birthday party semua foods are home cooked inclusive the birthday cake. Berjaya jugak mama buat birthday cake for Fawwaz..walaupun rupa tak berapa cantik tapi licin jugak dimakan by, kira ok laa tu. The menu for the day adalah: Grill chicken (yang ala2 kenny rogers tuh..), pasta salad, garlic bread, spaghetti, and for dessert Nani (my sister) telah mencontributekan her Apple Crumble, and my mom tolong buatkan jelly.

The cousins with fawwaz..sampai2 aje semua mengadap Thomas the train (itu b'day present fawwaz from me & Hubby). Fawwaz dpt 2 sets of Thomas ni..another one we had to simpan back coz Fawwaz asyik nak duduk on Thomas, takut rosak, kena grounded kejap.

Ini birthday cake Fawwaz hasil tangan mama sendiri...its a choc moist cake (kukus yaa not bakar...not brave enough nak cuba bakar...hehehe...takut hangus...hehehe).

Fawwaz cutting the cake with his cousins...

Another upacara membuka hadiah..

Inilah makanan2 yang dihidang pada hari berkenaan...

Kak Nana & Mama...

Me, Nani & Fahmi..

Fawwaz with his new tent...hadiah from Hakeem & Safiyya..

Happy Birthday to my Little Boy..

28 Dec 2008.
Happy Birthday, Fawwaz Danish. Dah masuk 2 thn anak mama ni. How time flies..Anyway, this year we held his birthday party in Ipoh memandangkan kebetulan memang during Christmas tuh kami balik ke Ipoh for cousin Uj's wedding.
At 1st we thought nak buat kecil-kecilan aje..among family only. Tapi mak uj invite orang2 kampung, agak ramai jugaklaa dtg..before the birthday party, kita buat tahlil sikit for arwah abah uj.
The party was fun.. and Fawwaz had a great time.
Some photos masa party...

His birthday cake- Chocolate Mud from Secret Recipe..
Happy birthday 2 u..happy birthday 2 u..happy birthday to fawwaz..happy birthday 2 u...

Seriousnya anak mama potong cake..hehehe

Mama & Fawwaz...

Mashie @ Mak cu & Fawwaz..

Erghhh...beratnya hadiah ni...

Hehehehe...Fawwaz dapat duduk atas hadiah2 yang beso ni...

Operasi membuka hadiah...

Christmas Party @ Office, Cyberjaya

Sempena Christmas, our department had a small celebration di mana we had an exchange gift session & sedikit makan2 after work.

We had a small christmas tree in the office whereby each of us were given a small card to write down our wishes.

My colleagues -- sedang menengok2 wishes of others...

These 2 are my bosses membaca the staff's wishes..hehehe..mana la atau kot2 dapat bonus & increment lebih sikit tahun ni..

Having fun bertukar2 hadiah..

That's my gift from Christine...Thanx Christine.

BBQ @ Mama's

On the 2nd week of Dec, kami adik-beradik decided to have a BBQ at rumah Mama..sajalaa nak meriahkan rumah bonda ku itu. Bonda ku agak kesunyian sejak ketiadaan abah ni. Walaupun kami ni hari2 ke sana, tapi of course laa tak sama dengan Abah's presence.

So, Nani pun di kerahkan utk membeli bahan2 for BBQ. Tp yg marinade kan all those ayam, lamb, ikan, sotong mesti laa dibuat oleh yg pakar iaitu Puan Azizah cum bonda saya. Apart from segala haiwan yg ada itu, saya yang lately ni mmg tgh giler makan salad, telah mengcontributekan my famous potato salad. We also had the usual laa, fries & hot dog. And last but not least for dessert, Kak Nana & Abg Sa telah membeli sebijik brownies yang amat lazat from secret recipe.

Jam 6 pm, kami pun dah mula berpeluh2 mem'BBQ kan lamb, chicken, sotong & ikan itu. Kami itu adalah myself & uj, Nani & Fahmi, Abg Iz, Mama & of course the maids--Nas & Kris. Abg Yo & family agak terlambat coz hujan yang lebat kat rumah diorg. Abg Sa & Kak Nana plak ntah apsal lambat...rasanya coz pi singgah secret recipe. Anyway, by 6.50pm everyone dah ada laa..

Fawwaz dengan baju Ben10 nya...

Mama, Fawwaz & abg Aiman...

Orang2 kuat BBQ...From left: Abg Iz, Fahmi and mak buyong, Nani..

The kids: Awish, Hakeem, Fawwaz, Aiman & Aisyah..